Athens Treasure Hunt (雅典寻宝行动)

Athens Insiders

The ultimate Treasure Hunt is the most fun way to discover the diverse city of Athens. Follow the directions, Hunt for clues and solve riddles, view fascinating landmarks and lesser-known jewels in a fun way. Interact with locals, learn about our way of life, taste treats and drinks that locals relish and get the true feeling of our city!

我们为您奉上的是一段吃喝玩乐的雅典闯关之行。一路上,你们将与Insiders一起分组完成小任务,包括动手学做希腊咖啡、到指定地点拍照、数出syntagma地铁站有多少古老的香水瓶、根据手上的问题到城里寻找答案. . . . . . 通过一个个小游戏,你将充分了解雅典隐藏于每一角落的财富!

*Recommended for big groups!

Telefono: +30 211 7909879
Skype: banana-hahaha

Prenota hotel
Fino al:

Galleria fotografica

Grecia, Atene