Monaco di Baviera

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Immagini di Monaco di Baviera
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Cultura Munich (German: München) is the capital city of Bavaria. Within the city limits, Munich has a population of more than 1. 3 million, making it the third most populous city in Germany. The Munich metropolitan region including cities like Augsburg or Ingolstadt had a population of more than 5. 6 million in 2008.
Munich, located at the river Isar in the south of Bavaria, is famous for its beautiful architecture, fine culture, and the annual Oktoberfest beer celebration. Munich's cultural scene is second to none in Germany, with the museums even considered by some to outrank Berlin in quality. Many travelers to Munich are absolutely stunned by the quality of the architecture. Although it was heavily damaged by allied bombing during World War II, many of its historic buildings have been rebuilt and the city center appears mostly as it did in the late 1800s including its largest church, the Frauenkirche, and the famous city hall (Neues Rathaus).

Climate Winters last from December to March. Munich experiences cold winters, but heavy rainfall is rarely seen in the winter. The coldest month is January with an average temperature of −2°C (28 °F). Snow cover is seen for at least a couple of weeks during winter. Summers in Munich city are warm and pleasant with an average maximum of 23 °C (73 °F) in the hottest months. The summers last from May until September.

Monaco di Baviera, Germania

Sabato 5, Ottobre

Da wikipedia su Monaco di Baviera

Monaco di Baviera (pronuncia italiana ; in tedesco München, pron., in bavarese Minga) è una città extracircondariale della Germania più meridionale, capitale della Baviera. Situata sulle rive del fiume Isar. Dopo Berlino ed Amburgo è la terza città tedesca per numero di abitanti.

È la città più importante della Germania meridionale, grazie alle residenze reali, agli immensi parchi, ai suoi musei, alle sue chiese barocche, al folclore bavarese ancora molto vissuto, alla vicinanza delle Prealpi e delle Alpi e naturalmente grazie alla birra ed alla sua manifestazione più famosa, l'Oktoberfest.

Il santo patrono della città è San Benno di Meissen.
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